Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Is It Worth It?

Every so often one is struck by a epiphanic lighting bolt. Sometimes these thoughts can be grandiose and life-altering, like Archimedes exclaiming "Eureka!" as he discovered how to measure the density of an object. Other times these ideas come as simple, common sense-type notions that are so obvious one almost feels doltish for failing to realize them sooner.

These epiphanies can be positive, and they can be negative. I just had a negative one. I ran my own financial numbers and discovered, to my great indignation, I am not making any money but barely covering my expenses. Yes, I have a job (a good one which I very much enjoy). Yes, I make a decent wage. No, I do not spend much money on anything, exept...well...gas. You see, I figured out the money that I would be saving for international travel and sweet new gear is instead being pumped into the fuel tank of my car once every 5 days. Driving to and from Park City each working day is really a vibe killer.

But, before anyone tells me that no job - especially one with an hour long commute - is worth subsistence survival, know this: I get to ski Deer Valley free. (And, just FYI, yesterday was an incredible powder day, a great way to start off my season).

So, is it worth it? HEAK YES! This could very well be my last winter in the lovely Deseret with none other than the peaks and slopes of the Wasatch right in my back yard. And they are mine, for free!

So, in the eloquent words of David Luck, "SCREW YOU FOR JUDGING ME!" And screw myself for judging myself. Like I'm going to let monetary constraints dictate my fiscal actions. Hey, I should be a Congressman.


Unknown said...

Haha...I wish I had incredible powder days here in SC.

So many big words...Why use big words when a diminutive one would suffice?

Breezy said...

you, my friend, are a crack up.