Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Back in the Game

I've been inspired to write again; to what end and purpose I know not. Nor do I know that anyone cares. Nevertheless, it behooves me to update these annals so that in the unlikely event that anyone passes this way, they will observe an up-to-date blog.

Which reminds of this one time a former roommate - and in order to protect the anonymity of Jamison Thiel, I won't mention his name - was speaking on the telephone with someone and said loudly, and with the strident confidence of a peacock showcasing its plumage, something to the effect of, "You just wait and see! And let it go down in the anals of history I am right!"

Notice that he said anals, like an anus, not annals. Funny stuff.

There, updated blog.


Unknown said...

annals: a record of events arranged in yearly sequence; historical records; chronicles

annuls: makes or declares void or invalid, as a marriage or a law; nullifies; obliterates the effect or existence thereof

notice that he said annuls, not annals. funny stuff.

sorry, couldn't resist :)

Josh said...

that's funny that you think that's what i said z. you should have read it closer.

Unknown said...

Awe yeah...back in the game and talking about anuses of history...that's the Josh I know and love.