Friday, April 25, 2008

Good Times in Latvia

The other day I saw a lady in her 60's, probably, cruising down the sidewalks on a Razor scooter. It was definitely the coolest thing I'd seen for a while.

Today I saw a guy on a moped pop a wheelie and ride it the length of the block - ON A MOPED. That too was nicely astonishing.

I decided I need to find an old bike in a dumpster or something so I can cruise around, ride out to the coast, ride into the countryside. That would be sweet.

Remember the hot dog I ate my first week here? The one that tasted like the vienna sausage? Despite the fact that that was a less than grand experience, I still love hot dogs and went to the store to see if I might find some good franks or something. There was quite the selection to behold. Not being able to read what exactly each type was, my choosing ability was limited. I picked some that looked good and were just a little bit pricier, with the hopes that they were better quality. I went home and opened the package to find that the hotdogs were all linked together. It was a giant chain of hot dogs! I'd never seen anything like it accept in cartoons. It was fantastic! So, chuckling to myself, I pulled out the links, dangled them about, draped them around my neck, took some pictures, it was great fun. And then I cut off a couple and put them in the frying pan (just kidding. I didn't drape them around my neck; that would be weird). They weren't bad. It was no kosher Costco-dog, that is certain, but it was definitely a step up from the street hot dog. Plus, I got some good giggles out the experience. Oh, life is good.

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