Monday, May 19, 2008

Just the Way It Is

I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful May weather. I still have to wear a coat to go outside. I really cannot believe this: it is late May and I am still wearing pants, a jacket, and shoes - SHOES! (I'm just glad my mother pressured me into buying a pair before I came out). This was definitely not expected. The strange thing is that it has nearly become customary for me to just put on my jacket without even thinking. It has taken some time to get over the fact that I still needed to bundle up though. At first it made me depressed. Then it made me angry. Now it's just the way it is.

We always say that - it's just the way it is. Growing up I hated that inextricably redundant phrase more than anything else. It seemed as if the answer to any and every disgruntle that ever occupied my thoughts was, "that's just the way it is, son." And yes, it WAS almost always my dad who was the one to say those odious words. It was never enough. I wanted something more; something I could wrap my hands around and strangle. But no, even that was just the way it was.

But, uhh, I'm not really sure as to where this is going.

It is still cold here; just know that.

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