In the spirit of Ringo's defiance to established life, I too went out parading one evening. Although I didn't make any friends or get arrested, like Ringo, I took my camera and got a few shots of the local scenery.
Pick up any travel book on Latvia and it will mention how Riga, Latvia houses the largest collection of art nouveau in the world. I had no idea what they were talking about. I figured it had something to do with new ovals. I was wrong. Art Novuvea is French for "new art." According to my all knowing, best friend Wikipedia, art nouveau is a type of decorative art that peaked around the turn of the 20th century and is "characterized by organic, especially floral and other plant-inspired motifs, as well as highly-stylized, flowing curvilinear forms" (my guess wasn't too far off).
So here are a few shots of this new oval art that everybody is talking about. If you're into eccentric Victorian era architecture, I guess this would be rather exciting. For those of us who would rather stare at a kaleidescope screen-saver while listening to Strawberry Fields Forever, it's still pretty neat.
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