Thursday, May 29, 2008

This Sucks

I wasn't going to write this evening. I thought, "I need a break" (This blog stuff takes its toll. You think always being the funny-man, investigative journalist is easy? Think again). But here I am, sucked back into providing a daily dose of 'whatever' for personal fulfillment.

Which leads me into my topic for tonight: sucking.

Once in every other week or so I splurge and spend $1.25 on a bar of Latvian chocolate. Oh my goodness. While not German or Swiss or Belgian, the Latvian brand, Laima, sure beats anything homegrown. Due to the necessity of making each bar last as long as possible, I have almost mastered the previously inconceivable act of simply sucking on a single piece of chocolate until it melts away. I've never been a sucker. I've always been the chomper. It's amazing how rewarding it is! I had no idea it was so satisfying to just suck on a piece of chocolate!

I'll be honest though. Sometimes it is just too much and I have to chew. There is just something so gratifying about sinking my teeth into to something that delicious.


Anonymous said...
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bathmate said...

thank you for your nice posting
