Family Home Evenings have included a lesson by Elder Hunter. Sister Hunter, like the wonderful grandmother she is, then feeds us. This is like the greatest woman ever. Her refreshments have ranged from fruit pies and ice cream to German pancakes to garlic bread and vegetable trays. It has been the absolute greatest - on Monday nights, dinner has been covered! That will be missed.
Elder Hunter had a cheap guitar that became my weekly indulgence. I always arrived a little bit before family home evening started, then was the last to leave, just so I could have some guitar time without feeling completely guilty for not being social. Each Monday, I have been able to quietly go back to that special place of mine - music land. In college, excepting my real friends of course, a set of scriptures, my longboard, and my guitar have been my truest friends. As long as I've had them, stress, frustration, rejection - the typical feelings that accompany single student life - have been turned into happy times of reflection. Not having a guitar over here has proven especially difficult but each Monday night, I have been able to go back to my happy place. That will be missed.
Some weeks, up to 25 young single adults have showed up for family home evening; other weeks, not so many. One week, just me and one other showed up. But no matter how many people were there, it was nice simply to have a "home" to go to, even if it was just for 2 hours a week. 2 hours!?, you wonder. Yep, sometimes more. Like I said, everyone just loved being there that much.
I feel most saddened for my Latvian peers. Unlike me, they won't go back home soon to tons of members and strong families in the church. Hopefully, throughout my life, the Hunters' kindness and love won't be forgotten. I am certain, however, that for the young Latvian members, the Hunters will definitely never be forgotten.
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