Monday, June 16, 2008

A Life of Learning

You know those little pockets that are common nowadays on the sleeves of jackets? You know, the ones on the arm? Well, I always thought they were just for looks but I have seen - with my own eyes - somebody actually use that mysterious little pocket. I saw a Latvian woman produce a cell phone from one. I was amazed! Who would have thought? People actually use those!

Latvians are on to something.

My buddy Andrew owns a jacket with one of said pockets (a very nice jacket I might add). He's had it for a while now. He used to stash little treats like a piece of gum or some Smarties in it for those venturesome (and flirtatious) enough to open it and see what was inside. It was like the Barney Bag, or that crazy Mary Poppins bag: you never knew what you would get.

Andrew, surrounded by women, wearing his notorious arm-pocket jacket. Note the pocket on his left arm.

Besides Andrew, I didn't think anyone actually used those little pockets. That's why the lady pulling out a phone was so incredible.

The knowledge that each day I can see something as novel and fascinating as someone actually using those obscure little pockets for utilitarian purposes is what gets me out of bed each morning. It reassures me that new knowledge is everywhere just waiting for me to uncover it, and if I don't get out of bed, I might blow an opportunity. Thank goodness for these little sparks of life.

1 comment:

Jake said...

Wow. I wish I was able to find motivation in my life that easily! Good on you!